Sunday, October 27, 2013

Picture Re-Takes

Lifetouch will be here this WEDNESDAY, OCT. 30TH for picture re-takes!
Students will be asked to come down to the MPR in the morning on Wednesday for their re-takes...

Sunday, October 20, 2013

*NEW* Writing Homework!!!

"Paragraph of the Week"


Writing Homework will begin tomorrow, Monday the 21st!

Students will receive 2 pages every Monday, and will be expected to return both pages by Friday, each week.  Students will have a different writing task every evening, and by Friday students will have a complete paragraph ready to turn in!

For the first 9 weeks, students writing homework will be:
Monday:  Brainstorm on a given topic
Tuesday:  Choose 3 details, then write 3 sentences (including an explanation)
Wednesday: Write a topic and closing sentence
Thursday: Put it all together, and write a paragraph!
Friday: Turn in the 2 page homework to be graded

Student paragraphs will be graded with the following rubric:

I am sending home a larger version of this rubric on pink paper, please keep this at home to use as a reference!

Students may find this a bit challenging in the beginning, but please encourage them to continue their efforts....the skill of paragraphing is a very important writing skill!

Thank you for your support, as always!!!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013


Thank you to all for getting your students to school on time and with a great attitude this morning!

Everyone did an excellent job, took their time, double checked their work and gave their very best efforts!

Tomorrow morning we will take the READING #2 test.  Homework is quite easy this evening (review) so students should be able to use part of their homework time to prepare for the MEAP test, you can use the packets that students brought home yesterday.

Monday, October 7, 2013


MEAP is here!

The schedule is:

Tuesday, Oct.8th: Reading #1
Wednesday, Oct.9th: Reading #2
Thursday, Oct.10th: Writing #1 (4th grade only!)

Tuesday, Oct.15th: Math
Wednesday, Oct.16h: Writing #2 (4th grade only!)

Please help your student feel ready by:
-getting them to bed early
-making sure they have a healthy breakfast
-remind them to take their time and double check their work

Students MAY bring slippers to wear to school on their testing days, however they may ONLY wear them in our classroom. Thank you!

Encourage your students to use the "THIS IS MY MEAP REVIEW PACKET" (with a brown cover) to study/look over tonight and over the next several days.  Not all of the work should be completed and/or corrected in this packet, please use the packet as you find it helpful to your student. 

Thank you for your encouraging words and support at home to our students...they are excited to take the MEAP ;)

Here is a link to a helpful article about how to get your kids ready for the MEAP from MetroParent magazine.

Thursday, October 3, 2013


Check out this fun and challenging way to practice math facts!

Kakooma's number puzzles are great for kids and adults!  If you like Sudoku, you may enjoy Kakooma!

I have also posted this link under the "Helpful Links" tab, for your convenience!